- Dentcare1 Smile is now fully open Our FIRST PRIORITY is your safety when you visit the practice.
- We are fully prepared and equipped to carry out all routine and complex procedures with safety.
- We have modified our practice to prioritise the safety of patients and staff. New screens, hand washing facilities, hand sanitizer and our staff will be wearing personal protective equipment.
- We have new processes – please do not arrive without an appointment; we will screen each patient before arrival and we will ask you to wait in your cars or outside the practice until the dentist is ready to see you.
- Please phone the practice or email to make an appointment for urgent dental care. Or routine appointments.
- We will not admit anyone without an appointment. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to seeing you and treating you in a SAFE STRESS FREE


lovely busy day in boston! shame about the weather!

lovely busy day in boston! shame about the weather!