
Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal Therapy involves the treatment of gum disease as well as gum recon touring to create healthy looking gums to enhance the appearance of the teeth. Gum Disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. More importantly, the infection releases toxins into the bloodstream leading to serious health risks such as Stroke, Diabetes, and Heart Disease etc.

If you notice any of the following warning signs of periodontal disease, please contact your nearest smile Team and ask for a periodontal evaluation.

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding when brushing (pink toothbrush) or at other times
  • Aching, itchy, sore or tender gums
  • Receding gums (teeth beginning to look longer)
  • Bad breath
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Loose, separating, or protruding teeth
  • Spaces between teeth

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